Vāra: Weekday
Vāra & Vāreśa: Weekday
अथ सप्त वाराः। atha sapta vārāḥ |
Translation: We speak of the seven weekdays
आदित्यश्चन्द्रमा भौमो बुधश्चाथ बृहस्पतिः।
शुक्रः शनैश्चरश्चैव वाराः सप्त प्रकीर्तिताः॥
ādityaścandramā bhaumo budhaścātha bṛhaspatiḥ |
śukraḥ śanaiścaraścaiva vārāḥ sapta prakīrtitāḥ ||
Trasnlation: Sun (āditya), Moon (candramā), Mars (bhauma), Mercury (budha), Jupiter (bṛhaspati), Venus (śukra), Saturn (śaniścara) are the givers of the seven (sapta) weekdays (vāra). The weekdays are simply named after the planets by adding the suffix ‘vāra’ or ‘day’ after the name of the planet/lord.
Example: Ravi (Sun) + vāra (day) = Ravivāra or Sunday. In this manner all weekday names