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Online Classes

 Sanjay Rath  December 23, 2014

How are the classes conducted online through internet?
Answer: The classes are conducted through lessons. These lessons are online pages and they also have video in the form of recorded slides from live classes that were conducted in the Himalayas.
We also have a Yahoo! Group for answering your questions from time to time and those who ask are always the ones to benefit the most besides benefiting others.
You can study at your own pace but it is good to study an hour a day at least

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New Batch?

 Sanjay Rath  December 23, 2014

Will the course starting from January (2015, or any year) have a new batch of people or the course is continuing from previous years?
Answer: Whenever we mention ‘New Batch’ it means that this is for a new batch of students.
There are already three other batches from 2011, 2012 and 2013. They are in advanced years. They are not to be mixed up with this batch of students.
This is new batch for the first year of PJC i.e. PJC Year-1.

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New PJC Members

 Sanjay Rath  December 23, 2014

Some of you have joined PJC Year-1 and have made direct debit payments to the bank account. Since the details provided by the bank are quite difficult for us non-bankers to figure out, you are request

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Bhagavat Gita Sloka 10-20

 Sanjay Rath  December 17, 2014

अहमात्मा गुडाकेश सर्वभूताशयस्थितः।
अहमादिश्च मध्यं च भूतानामन्त एव च॥ १०-२०॥
ahamātmā guḍākeśa sarvabhūtāśayasthitaḥ |
ahamādiśca madhyaṁ ca bhūtānāmanta eva ca || 10-20||
Simple Translation: O thick-haired (Arjuna), I am the Ātmā (soul) abiding in the heart of all beings. I am also the beginning, the middle, and the end of all beings.
Jyotiṣa Notes: The sun represents the soul and the life force in all living beings. It defines the inner nature as well as reveals the form, of all beings. It is the source of creation of everything manifest, as well as the source of their continued existence (sustenance

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Bhāveśa-III (Svarga Loka)

 Sanjay Rath  August 15, 2014


The four houses related to svarga loka (higher heavens – nakṣatra, stars) are the Dharma (9th), Karma (10th), Lābha (11th) and Vyaya (12th). The bhāveśa (lord of bhāva) is the real kartā (doer) for that bhāva (house). If it is well placed from (a) lagna as well as (b) that bhāva, it generally, augers good results as (a) an experience for the native and (b) as manifestation of the bhāva, respectively. In this manner learn the principles involved and how to study the bhāveśa.
We also need to ponder over the three words – bhū, bhuva and

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Bhāveśa-II (Bhuva Loka)

 Sanjay Rath  August 3, 2014

The four houses related to bhuva loka (intermediate plane – solar system) are the Suta (5th) meaning progeny, Śatru (6th), Dārā (7th) and Mṛtyu (8th). Learn the meanings of these words well else you can never really understand the meaning of these houses. It is important to learn the principles involved in judging house results when the lord of a house is placed in any bhāva. The bhāveśa (lord of bhāva) is the real kartā (doer) for that bhāva (house). If it is well placed from (a) lagna as well as (b) that bhāva, it generally, augers good

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Bhāveśa-I (Bhu Loka)

 Sanjay Rath  August 2, 2014

The four houses related to bhū loka (earth plane) are the Lagna (1st), Dhana (2nd), Sahaja (3rd) and Sukha (4th). Learn the meanings of these words well else you can never really understand the meaning of these houses. It is important to learn the principles involved in judging house results when the lord of a house is placed in any bhāva. The bhāveśa (lord of bhāva) is the real kartā (doer) for that bhāva (house). If it is well placed from (a) lagna as well as (b) that bhāva, it generally, augers good results as (a) an experience

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Tanu Bhāva: First House

 Sanjay Rath  August 1, 2014

The first house is also called the Lagna in jyotiṣa. It is the sign that is rising at the eastern horizon at a specific time and location on the earth. While it includes the entire sign of the zodiac, a bhāva is composed of nine-pada each measuring 3°20’ (9 × 3°20’ = 30°). This can vary depending on the exact longitude of the lagna. Normally we would define the lagna as occupying a specific point of the zodiac and identify it with a sign, a constellation as well as the specific degree within that constellation. Lagna bhāva or Tanurbhāva

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 Sanjay Rath  July 17, 2014

Upagraha is derived from graha with ‘upa’ implying inferiority as in a child, considered a minor planet and child of one of the seven planets. Kāla and other upagraha are but the seven children of the graha having similar genetic traits but in a more extreme manner.
It is said that one of these upagraha afflicting the Sun can ruin one’s dynasty (lineage, family) while Lagna afflicted by an upagraha blocks understanding and intelligence. We have found this to be true with the dispositor of the upagraha rather than the upagraha themselves, particularly nakṣatra dispositor.
Upagraha Slides

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Aprakāśa Graha

 Sanjay Rath  July 17, 2014

Aprakāśa means without light and refers to the FIVE points which destroy the light from the pañca tattva. In total there are twelve dark sub-planets of which five are aprakāśa graha and the other seven are the upagraha. A very detailed explanation about the aprakāśa graha, their calculations and how to use them in charts – has been taught by Parāśara.

It is good to do these calculations once for your own chart so that you get a first hand knowledge of exactly how they are calculated.
This is a full day (10-12 hour slide presentation) and the website will