Author: Sanjay Rath

Sanjay Rath (Oriya: ସଞୟ ରଥ) comes from a traditional family of astrologers from Puri, which trace their lineage back to Shri Achyuta Das (Acyutananda). Sanjay Rath uses Bṛhat Parāśara Horāśāstra, Jaimini Upadeśa Sūtra, Bṛhat Jātaka and Kalyāṇavarmā's Sārāvalī as the foundations of Jyotiṣa and teaches from various other Jyotiṣa scripture. His holistic teaching and writings span across various schools of thought, although not creating his own brand of astrology.
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Riṣṭa Others

 Sanjay Rath  September 18, 2013

Riṣṭa is not just restricted to the native. It extends to mother, especially at the time of delivery, to siblings and parents and elders. Parashara teaches us various principles in the combinations to determine the evils for parents. Of particular interest is the durmantra combination in the previous lesson where the afflicted Moon in the 5th house can cause death of mother instead of the native because it is not in 1,7,3 or 9 houses. In the 5th house it is maraka (2H) from the 4th bhava showing the mother.
We learn three important principles

Riṣṭa Others

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Riṣṭa (Evils)

 Sanjay Rath  September 18, 2013

Bala-riṣṭa » 12 Years | riṣṭa associated with Moon as significator
Yoga-riṣṭa » 20 Years | riṣṭa associated with Jupiter as significator
Janma-riṣṭa » 24 Years | riṣṭa associated with Sun as significator

Duṣthāna Chandra
Duṣthāna Vakra-Graha
Tri-pāpa and Catur-pāpa
Maraṇa Kāraka Sthāna
Other Combinations explained
Tamas Chandra
Vināśa Yoga
Ardha Chakra
Shadow of Sun etc.
Things you need to study outside of BPHS
Tri-Pataki Chakra
Bear in mind that Neṣṭā Karma and Neṣṭā Graha require considerable understanding as these planets can surely give marriage and make life a wonderful experience or the converse i.e. living hell.
Riṣṭa (Evils

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Sūtikā Lesson

 Sanjay Rath  September 18, 2013

Morning shows the day …that’s the basis of the Sūtikā Adhyāya of Parāśara. The detailed circumstances around the birth of the child speaks volumes about the destiny and blessings (or otherwise) that surround the birth of the child. With modern lighting systems, it may not be possible to make use of things like “direction of the lamp”, but then there are many other factors like number of people in the birthing chamber signified by the “planets reckoned from Lagna to the Moon”. For example, the Moon in Taurus Lagna, slightly ahead of the Lagna longitude, does indicate the birth

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HL and GL

 Sanjay Rath  September 18, 2013

The word horā is derived from aho-rātra by removing the first (a) and last (tra) syllables. The word aho means day and rātra means night thereby referring to the division of the day into the two parts of day and night. The day is lorded by the Sun and the night is lorded by the Moon, being the most brilliant luminaries in the sky at these times. Consider the seven
planets having physical bodies (i.e. from the Sun to Saturn) that lord over the weekdays. If the luminaries (Sun & Moon) are represented by the word horā in aho-rātra, then

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Viśeṣa Lagna

 Sanjay Rath  August 25, 2013

Viśeṣa lagna are enumerated by Maharṣi Parāśara and we start with understanding the meaning of the word ‘viśeṣa’ which means special, having a peculiarity. These viśeṣa lagna are different from the lagna in that they have a completely circular motion at uniform speed. It is the speed, relative to the average speed of the lagna that determines the bhāva they map to. For example, the Lagna moves 12 signs in 24 hours of the day and its ‘average speed’ is 2 hours per sign. The Bhāva Lagna (BL) has this exact uniform speed of 2 hours per sign. Therefore

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 Sanjay Rath  April 14, 2013

A Nakṣatra or lunar mansion is one of the 27/28 divisions of the sky, identified by the prominent star(s) in them, used in Vedic astrology. Historical (medieval) Hindu astrology enumerated either 27 or 28 nakṣatras depending on the system of usage. It is generally always 27 unless sarvatobhadra or such chakra is being used. Each nakṣatra is divided into quarters or padas of 3°20’. Since everything originates from sound, these pada which form

Location (Sidereal Longitude)
Pada 1
Pada 2
Pada 3
Pada 4

Aśvinī (अश्विनी)
0 – 13°20′ Aries
चु Chu
चे Che

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Śubhārambha Plan

 Sanjay Rath  January 17, 2013

We have a certain vision for the students of PJC Year-1 which needs to be completed with their mentor. You will notice under Members >> PJC Year-1 >> Śubhārambha that there are 15 lessons including some slide presentations. The objective of this introductory course is to give you a taste and real introduction to the knowledge of the seers. The lessons include nice examples and are well illustrated covering the entire gamut of vedic learning with a focus on jyotiṣa. We have continued the traditional way of learning this subject as the eye of the veda rather than

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Additional Lessons

 Sanjay Rath  January 16, 2013

Before we begin, we need to study a few sources to understand the importance of Maharṣi Parāśara. The first Lesson in this group was prepared for another course and the original word document is lost. I hope some of you can preserve these file for posterity. There is a nice description of the life and times of Parāśara.

Note: These Lessons were taught for the Brhaspati Jyotish Program and some of you may have alrady learnt them. I want to ensure that all students are on the same footing for this course. There are some more lessons in

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Jyotiṣa Scope

 Sanjay Rath  January 15, 2013

In this lesson we learn about what is vedāñga jyotiṣa and its scope.
Vedāñga Jyotiṣa
Objective of the lesson is to know how big is this subject and to realize that jyotiṣa is as vast as the universe. Everything that is created finds its place in symbols and significations. Please take a printout of the slides and keep them with you while listening to this lecture so that you can make notes immediately as you go through the slides. Let me give you an example of a student who got into a detailed discussion with a pandit and later